Harga yang Sederhana dan Transparan
Mulai gratis dan bayar hanya jika bisnis Anda berkembang.
Penggunaan Gratis
Nikmati transaksi bebas biaya hingga volume Anda melebihi $20.000.
- Transaksi pertama senilai $20 ribu
- Tanpa biaya
- Tidak ada komitmen
- Dukungan Email
Setelah Batas Gratis
Setelah $ 20.000 Penggunaan Gratis
- Hanya 0,5% per transaksi
- Toko Tanpa Batas
- Sesi Orientasi
- Dukungan Khusus
- Untuk setiap $100 yang diproses, biayanya hanya $0,5
Pertanyaan Umum
Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami jika Anda tidak dapat menemukan jawaban yang Anda cari di sini!
Paymento accept a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT (on Ethereum and Tron), and USDC. Additional blockchain networks and tokens are being added regularly. Stay tuned for updates!
If your account doesn’t have sufficient balance, the transaction will fail. Ensure your account has enough funds to process payments.
At this time, balance withdrawals are not automated. If you need to withdraw your remaining balance for account closure and refund, you must contact customer support. We recommend topping up only what you need for processing payments to avoid unused funds.
No, there are no hidden fees. Paymento charges a flat 0.5% per transaction after you exceed the free usage limit of $20,000 in volume. For every $100 processed, the fee is just $0.50.
No, there’s no limit to the amount of payments you can accept. Paymento is designed to scale with your business needs, supporting unlimited payment volume.
The free usage limit allows you to process up to $20,000 in crypto payments with no fees. After reaching this limit, you will be charged a flat fee of 0.5% per transaction.
No, you don’t need to top up your account to accept payments. The top-up is only necessary to cover transaction fees after your free usage limit has been exceeded.
In the future, you’ll be able to top up your account using Paymento’s token (PMO) to receive discounted transaction fees. Follow our updates to learn when this feature becomes available.